Building, Planning, and Zoning
About Planning and Zoning
The City of Fennville planning and zoning department is responsible for ensuring that all buildings in the City are compliant with Michigan Building Code and for overseeing and implementing the city's zoning ordinances and regulations. This includes reviewing and approving building permits, site plans, and land use proposals to ensure they comply with zoning laws and regulations.
The zoning administrator works with property owners, developers, and architects to guide them through the zoning process, answer questions, and provide information about zoning requirements. They also conduct site visits to ensure that proposed developments or construction projects are in compliance with zoning regulations.
Additionally, the zoning administrator may be involved in conducting zoning studies, making recommendations for changes to zoning ordinances, and representing the city in zoning-related legal proceedings.
Overall, the zoning administrator plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the city's zoning regulations and ensuring that new developments align with the city's long-term planning goals.
The City contracts with Michigan Township Services to provide building inspections and zoning administration.
The zoning administrator works with property owners, developers, and architects to guide them through the zoning process, answer questions, and provide information about zoning requirements. They also conduct site visits to ensure that proposed developments or construction projects are in compliance with zoning regulations.
Additionally, the zoning administrator may be involved in conducting zoning studies, making recommendations for changes to zoning ordinances, and representing the city in zoning-related legal proceedings.
Overall, the zoning administrator plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the city's zoning regulations and ensuring that new developments align with the city's long-term planning goals.
The City contracts with Michigan Township Services to provide building inspections and zoning administration.
Pre-Application Review Conference
Prior to beginning any development process in the City, applicants are encouraged to meet with City staff for a pre-application review conference. This meeting can help promote a smooth approval process once a formal application is submitted. Depending on complexity of the project and availability, the City Administrator and/or Building & Zoning Administrator will attend the meeting.
In order to request a conceptual review meeting, please call the City Administrator at (269) 561-8321 or email at
In order to request a conceptual review meeting, please call the City Administrator at (269) 561-8321 or email at
To make the best use of time during the conference, the following should ideally be known/available:
- Location
- Existing Use(s)
- Intended development (residential, retail, dining, etc.)
- Preliminary sketches (hand-drawn are sufficient)
- Surrounding land uses
During the meeting, applicants and staff will fill out a worksheet to have a written record of some basic project details, as well as record necessary follow-up questions. Find the worksheet here, or at the top of this page.
Any other additional information such as professional service providers, flood zone status, expected parking, and so forth are helpful but not required.
About Building Permits
All building work in the City is required to have a building permit before work begins. Please fill out the below forms and return them to the City of Fennville for processing. Checks for fees can be made out to City of Fennville. Credit card and cash payments are also accepted.
- A complete BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION form showing:
- A detailed site plan
- Owner/Contractor/Jobsite/cost information/type of project
- Agent Authorization (required if builder obtains permit)
- THREE SETS - HARDCOPY PLANS TO SCALE (one will be returned to be kept on the jobsite), INCLUDE ON THE PLANS:
- Foundation Plan detailed
- All significant elevations (side views)
- Floor plans – including, but not limited to: use of all rooms and dimensions; window and door sizes; stairway structural details (if applicable); deck structural details (if applicable)
- Cross section of one wall from footing to peak
- Identify north elevation as (N)
- Indicate snow-loading capacity. (Be sure to show all dimensions)
- Energy code insulation values
- Items required prior to rough-in:
- Manufacturers truss diagrams
- Mechanical Design Criteria (Manual S & J)
- Sewer and Water Connection Point. The Fennville City Engineer will review the drawings for sewer and water hookup and determine what needs there are.
- PROOF OF OWNERSHIP (examples: deed or land contract, tax bill)
- EARTH CHANGE PERMIT (SESC) – The County Drain Commissioner or Soil Erosion Agent requires that you obtain a soil erosion and sedimentation control permit if your jobsite is within 500 feet of a waterway: lake, river, stream, pond, body of water, storm sewer, County Drain or if you disturb one (1) or more acres Allegan County – please call 269-673-5415 to receive your permit.
- Other items that may be required:
- Zoning approval
- DEQ permit (Lake Michigan, wetland, floodplain, etc)
- Fire Department approval (pertains mostly to commercial projects in Cities)
- Health Department (Food Service) – if project includes food service, food preparation, new commercial kitchen, etc.
City of Fennville
125 S. Maple St.
PO Box 666
Fennville, MI 49408
Please contact the Building Department at 269-673-3239 or with questions.
About Rental Registration
All long and short term rentals within the City of Fennville are required to have an inspection every three years. If you would like to begin to use your property as a rental, please fill out the below form.
What Requirements Are There When Buying or Selling Property in Fennville?
By ordinance, if you buy or sell a property within the City of Fennville, it must have a building inspection before closing. Please call our Building Department at 269-673-3239 to schedule your inspection.
The Master Plan
A land use master plan in Michigan is a comprehensive document that guides the development and use of land within a municipality or region. It typically includes detailed information regarding zoning, infrastructure, transportation, housing, environmental conservation, economic development, and community facilities. The plan is designed to reflect the long-term vision and goals of the community, and it serves as a blueprint for guiding future growth and development.
The land use master plan in Michigan is developed through a collaborative process involving input from community stakeholders, residents, and local government officials. It is intended to provide a framework for making decisions related to land use and development that align with the community's values and priorities.
The plan often includes maps and charts to illustrate the proposed land use designations, zoning regulations, and development patterns. It also addresses issues such as conservation of natural resources, preservation of open space, and promotion of sustainable development practices.
In accordance with the Planning Enabling Act, the City produces a master plan every 5 years. Our current master plan was adopted in November 2022 and will be in effect until November of 2027.
In Michigan, the land use master plan is typically a mandatory component of the planning and zoning process, and it serves as a foundation for the creation of zoning ordinances and other land use regulations. It's a key tool for managing growth, promoting economic vitality, and enhancing the overall quality of life in a community.
The land use master plan in Michigan is developed through a collaborative process involving input from community stakeholders, residents, and local government officials. It is intended to provide a framework for making decisions related to land use and development that align with the community's values and priorities.
The plan often includes maps and charts to illustrate the proposed land use designations, zoning regulations, and development patterns. It also addresses issues such as conservation of natural resources, preservation of open space, and promotion of sustainable development practices.
In accordance with the Planning Enabling Act, the City produces a master plan every 5 years. Our current master plan was adopted in November 2022 and will be in effect until November of 2027.
In Michigan, the land use master plan is typically a mandatory component of the planning and zoning process, and it serves as a foundation for the creation of zoning ordinances and other land use regulations. It's a key tool for managing growth, promoting economic vitality, and enhancing the overall quality of life in a community.